Friday, December 29, 2006

Chiang Mai

From the orphanage, I headed up to see Josh again in Chiang Mai. We worked on business development for the corporate team building in Thailand and spoke a lot about our visions for 2007. I went to the annual crag clean up day at Crazy Horse Buttress, where Josh has developed all the climbing routes there. I changed anchors and spent the day doing route maintenance to ensure a safe climbing environment for all of those that come and climb here. There were about 30 volunteers for the day from different parts of the world.

Christmas Day was spent, yes, you guessed it, climbing. I fired several classic link ups (multiple pitches combined into one long - long pitch). Incredible climbing. I liked it even more than the climbing down south because it is more technical and varied with the movements. We hung out with Jim Waugh, who is a bit of a climbing legend from the states. He was recently the coach of the Asian Climbing team and lives in Bangkok. We had great conversation and I got a great interview from him as well. One of the things he said toward the end was that what makes a climber great is when you can be as excited for your partner when they get the red point as when you do. Support those around you and make THAT be what your climbing experience is about. Facilitate the growth and development of others, and you will experience much success....

There is so much more to write about. Many more insights from the trip. I will post those a bit later. For now - time to rest!

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